The typical software development workflow can be complex and challenging. Especially when working on legacy codebases, the challenge of understanding code written by others can be a significant hindrance to a developer’s productivity.

In today’s fast-paced, constantly evolving tech landscape, it’s more important than ever to have the tools that allow you to work smarter, not harder. That’s why we are thrilled to announce the launch of the Denigma Chrome Extension and JetBrains plugins. These tools serve as code explainers that integrate seamlessly with your current development environment, making it easier for you to understand and work with code written by others.

In this blog post, we’ll introduce you to the features of the Denigma Chrome Extension and show you how they can help you be more productive and efficient in your work. So, let’s dive in!

Product Highlight: Denigma Chrome and JetBrains Extensions

We have introduced the Denigma Chrome Extension and JetBrains plugins to solve some of the biggest challenges developers face daily. We designed the extensions with the goal of simplifying the process of understanding code so that developers can focus on what they do best—writing great code!. Here are some of the enticing benefits of the Denigma Chrome Extension and JetBrains plugin:

  • Code Navigation: The Denigma Chrome Extension and JetBrains plugin make it easy for you to navigate large codebases and quickly find the information you need. You’ll be able to locate code quickly, see how it’s used, and understand the intent behind it without having to spend time searching through large files or scrolling through long lines of code.

  • Code Explanation: The Denigma Chrome Extension and JetBrains plugin serve as code explainers, providing easy-to-understand information about the code you’re working with. With just a few clicks, you’ll be able to see the purpose of the code, understand how it works, and see how it fits into the larger codebase—without leaving your favorite code editor.

  • Efficient Workflow: By simplifying the process of understanding code, the Denigma Chrome Extension and JetBrains plugin allow you to be more productive and efficient in your work. You’ll be able to focus on writing great code without being bogged down by the challenge of understanding the portion of the code written by your co-worker.

  • Integration With Your IDE: The Denigma Chrome Extension and JetBrains plugins are designed to integrate seamlessly with your current development environment, so you can continue to use the tools you love while taking advantage of the new features and functionality offered by the extensions. If VS Code is what you prefer, Degnima is equally available for you!

The Denigma Chrome Extension and JetBrains plugins will help take your productivity to the next level, streamline your workflow, and make the most of your time as a developer.

What More? An Annual Pricing Plan!

Along with the launch of the Denigma Chrome extension and JetBrains IDE plugins, we’re excited to announce a yearly pricing plan for the Denigma!

The annual plan offers a 20% discount over the monthly plan, making it a cost-effective and convenient way to use the code explainer tool.

When you choose the yearly plan, you’ll receive the same great benefits and features as the monthly plan, but with the added convenience of a discounted rate and one annual payment. This means you can focus on seamlessly collaborating on unfamiliar codebases without worrying about monthly billing or renewals.

In addition to the cost savings, the yearly plan also offers peace of mind, knowing you’ll have access to Denigma for an entire year. This makes it the perfect choice for developers who want to streamline their workflow, maximize their productivity, and simplify the process of understanding code without worrying about monthly billing.


With the Denigma Chrome Extension and JetBrains plugin, you’ll be able to quickly and easily navigate large codebases, understand the intent behind code, and get the information you need to make changes with confidence. Whether you’re working on a solo project or collaborating with a team, these tools are designed to streamline your workflow and maximize your productivity. Whether you’re a seasoned developer or just starting out, the Denigma Chrome Extension and JetBrains plugins are the perfect tools for anyone looking to improve their workflow and make the most of their time as a developer.

And with the new yearly pricing plan, there’s never been a better time to try out the Denigma and start explaining unfamiliar code. With a 20% discount over the monthly plan, you’ll enjoy all the benefits of the Denigma Chrome Extension and JetBrains plugin without worrying about monthly billing or renewals.

Don’t wait any longer! Head to the Chrome web store to download the extension or choose from our array of JetBrains plugins. We’re confident that you’ll love the results!